The objective was to redesign the aesthetic of a service brand, of which my choice was the Spin app. This would require changing the existing logo of the brand, as well as the branding elements and concept behind the brand.
Design Tools
Pen & Pad
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD
Skills Used
Brand Identity
Web Design
This project put my sporadic design style to the test, forcing me to make subtle changes to an already existing brand with intent and cohesion. Since I often used this service myself, I found an opportunity in the convenience and affordability of Spin’s rentable scooters. I exploited this through a new categorized concept that separated the app's features and looks based on the type of town you live in. I elevated the logo with a new modernized font and original graphics, which would showcase the versatility of where Spin’s vehicles could go with simple graphics. New taglines were developed for print and web advertisements, as well as wireframes for a revamped app.

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